Kushan Player - R1 (Kushan) Kushan

Cloaked Fighter
Mass Lin v Rot v BuildCost BuildTime Armor
10 775 2.2 85 45 150
Weapons Range Coverage Fuel FuelRate HiFuelRate
2×10 5800 10% 10000 0.021 0.040
onDelay HiOnDelay offDelay onPoint offPoint BaseFuelRate
0.05 2.8 0.1 35% 10% 0.3

The Cloaked Fighter is excellent at cruising through enemy territory at speed without being detected. When doing this, set it to Evasive so that it doesn't try to attack enemy ships it comes across. You can leave it there to watch the enemy building and ordering their fleet, but be aware that its base fuel consumption to sustain the cloak sail is 0.3 and if you plan to retreat it for refuelling, you will need some fuel for travelling.
In all other respects it is a more offensive, less defensive version of the Interceptor and can be used as such. It certainly puts a damper on the enemy's retaliation if the fighters keep flipping in and out of visibility (although this comes with a very high fuel rate of 0.35).
Special: Cloak Field
Renders unit invisible to enemy craft (except enemy Proximity Sensors).

Drone Frigate
Mass Lin v Rot v BuildCost BuildTime Salvage Armor
400 325 0.3 800 75 2/2 16000
Ballistic Range Energy Range Coverage RepairRate LoRepairRate
24×12 6500 - - 100% 15 1.5

Drones are stored inside the Drone Frigate which, itself, has no guns of its own. When deployed (press 'Z'), the 24 drones burst from the lid of the frigate and form a partial sphere of radius 800 with the Drone Frigate at their center. Each drone houses one small cannon and targets separately to the other drones. It is much more effective than an Assault Frigate against Fighters and Corvettes since it doesn't need to rotate to fire and can sit in the center of a swarm of Strike Craft and take them down. Like the Assualt Frigate, they are allergic to Ion beams so take care to not lead them into battle against energy weapons.
I have not known a Drone Frigate to be taken by Salvage Corvettes. One of my Drone Frigates did leave its drones behind once; they just sat there in space and straggled along slowly behind as the frigate charged off to attack an enemy Resource Controller on its own!
(NB: Drone Frigates originally had 48 drones.)
Can be constructed by a Carrier.
Special: Deploy / Retract Drones
Drone Frigate in blossom
Drone Frigate lost its Drones